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Share Certificates: Your Essential Guide to Ownership Documentation

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  • Harvey John Ali Nasir Kidwai
Updated: 10 May, 2024
  • ESOPs

Editor's Note:- Whether you're a budding investor or a veteran in the stock market, understanding the fundamentals of share certificates is crucial. This blog post offers a deep dive into what company share certificates are, their importance, and their procedure of issuance. Stay informed and empower your investment decisions with accurate, clear, and actionable information.

In the environment of finance and investing, owning shares in a company signifies a stake in its ownership and presents potential financial rewards through dividends and capital gains. A doc that plays a significant role in this investment journey is the company share certificates.

Through this blog, let's delve into the nature of a company share certificate, its significance, the information it contains, and its relevance in today's digital world.

What is the Share Certificate?

An organization's share certificate is a legal doc issued to its shareholders. This certificate is proof of ownership for shareholders who declare they have a certain number of shares. A share certificate is issued to shareholders who buy shares when an organization issues shares on the market.

what is the share certificate

But it should be considered that only the shareholder's details and the amount of shares they own are displayed in a share certificate. This figure doesn't show the value of the shares held. Different types of certificates are held relying on asset types, with organizations issuing multiple certificates to their shareholders if they own shares in disparate asset groups. Every organization consists of elaborate designs on the certificates the issue to avoid fraudulent situations.

So, the share certificate template contains the following information:

  • Name of the share issuing Company
  • The firm's registered address
  • The full name of the shareholder concerned
  • The Company's identification number
  • The shareholder's Folio number
  • The number of shares purchased
  • The difference in the number of shares purchased
  • Money spent by an individual on buying of a share

Importance of Share Certificates

The core purpose of a share certificate is to have proper documentation of each shareholder. This will assist an organization in keeping a record of the applicants of genuine shareholders and pull out those that are not legitimate from their ecosystem.

As the shareholding change happens, organizations must update the details of certificate regularly. These certificates must showcase all the transactions transparently. It will further help in reconciliation and audit processes.

Below is a simple example to let you understand the significance of share certificates.

Imagine you own an enterprise and planning to take an investment from a new investor who would really assist Finance your business expansion. You're issuing them a share certificate to regularize the ownership interest and protect their investment. This short piece of paper is crucial as it showcases their holdings in the organization. This scenario proves their investment, lays down their rights, and helps build trust with the investors.

Moreover, an argument concerning ownership may arise, if you don't have this share certificate. In this situation, the share certificate protects your organization's and investor's interests.

Why do Companies issue the Share Certificate?

In the three situations listed below, companies primarily issue share certificates. In such scenarios, new shares are issued and eventually subscribed to. Additionally, the issue of a share certificate is mandatory where there is a vertical or horizontal transfer between shareholders.

  • In situations like loss or damage of certificates, the present applicant may also apply for a new one. So, the stock certificate serves numerous purposes both for companies and shareholders.

  • For every organization, the share certificate template is different. An organization may issue certificates in just 2 months of its formation, as given by the Regulations of the Registrar of Organizations in India. An organization shall issue this certificate in two months from the date of issue of such shares in the matter of new issue shares to new or existing investors.

  • In the case of the transfer of shares, within one month from receipt of the transfer authorization by the entities concerned, a company must issue stock certificates in an acceptable format to those receiving them.

Procedures for Issuing Company Share Certificates

Considered as one of the significant documents in the process of investing, an organization takes proper care in issuing share certificates to the shareholders. The organization also follows an exhaustive procedure of issuing share certificates, provided below:

allotment of shares

1. Allotment of shares

That's where the allotment of the shares will be done to different shareholders. The organization shall ask for a meeting of BOD to make decisions on the possibilities of allotting shares. It will also constitute a committee referred to as the Board of Directors to allocate shares. This committee will present a report that is to be adopted by the BOD's.

The solution to allot a share to the respective applicants is adopted after the approval. Once the shares are allocated to applicants, the Company Secretary will ship a letter of assignment consisting of all the information in detail on the recent share allocation. Until the issuance of the final letter, the allotment letter serves as a share certificate.

2. Registration of Members

The company secretory arranges a list of members once the allotment letter has been raised. The register of members will make sure that the organization has all the information on the allocation of shares and shareholders curated from the lists of applicants accepted and the allotment sheets.

3. Preparation of the share certificates

As suggested in the Articles of Association, the sorting of share certificates will be the next step forward. When planning this form, the CS will print and fill all the required information on a company share certificate as per the allocation sheet. Two directors and CS sign the share certificate along with a revenue stamp and seal. The organization will then call a meeting of its board once all the share certificates are done to adopt the resolution on the issuance of final stock certificates.

4. Intimation and Dispatch

Lastly, it is required to communicate with all shareholders regarding the preparation of the company’s share certificates and the delivery of the shares in exchange for the proceedings of the issued letters of allotment and the receipt. Once the shareholders give their entitlement letter, they can be offered a company stock certificate that may be collated from the company's registered address.

Wrapping up

Henceforth, company share certificates connect the shareholder to the Company, embodying the rights and responsibilities that come with equity ownership . It also presents several benefits for investors and companies, making it an efficient management tool. So, whether you are a seasoned investor or new to the stock market, appreciating the role and transformation of share certificates enhances your grasp of stock ownership's legal and procedural landscape.

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