Vega Equity is now Xumane
Reward Performance, Not Dilution with Phantom Stocks

Reward Performance, Not Dilution with Phantom Stocks

Customized your phantom stocks plan for your employees with scenario modeling, phantom pool setup, and tracking, all on our comprehensive paperless platform

Reward Performance, Not Dilution with Phantom Stocks
What are Phantom stocks?

Phantom stocks, also known as shadow stocks, is a unique employee benefit plan that functions similar to stock options but doesn't grant actual shares of the company. In this type of plan, mock stocks are granted to the employees that mirrors real shares and their value is linked to the company's stock price. To receive a payout on their phantom shares, employees must have worked for a designated work period (known as the vesting period)

How do you Implement Phantom stocks?
Implement Phantom stocks
Key factors to consider in your Phantom stocks

Employees are granted Phantom stocks at a specific price on a particular date


Requires a minimum time for payment to encourage employee retention


Vested phantom units deliver a cash reward to employee's equivalent to stock growth since the grant date


The company pays out the value of the phantom units in cash, not in company stock

Right plan for accomplishing right business objectives
  • Appreciation-Only Phantom Stock Plans

    Benefit only from an increase in the company's stock price since the grant date

  • Full Value Phantom Stock Plans

    Payout based on the current market value of the stock, including both appreciation and the original grant price

  • Performance-Based Phantom Stock Plans

    Ties payouts to pre-defined performance metrics (e.g., sales targets, revenue growth). Chances of receiving higher payout if the company achieves specific goals

  • Appreciation-Only Phantom Stock Plans

    Benefit only from an increase in the company's stock price since the grant date

Plan for accomplishing
What sets Xumane Equity apart?
  • Tailor SARs and ESOPs to your needs effortlessly.
  • Customize vesting, exercise, and payout options seamlessly.
  • Monitor SARs performance metrics and stock appreciation trends.
  • Manage ESOPs from issuance to vesting in one dashboard.
  • Stay informed with ESOP pool data for strategic decisions.
  • Handle capitalization table and funding needs efficiently.
  • Access training resources on SARs and equity management.
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